The Beach Kellys

The Beach Kellys

Monday, April 11, 2011

some new mom tips

I have a sweet friend who has encouraged me to write a blog to share all the 'reasearch' I have done about baby products, and simply living with a baby to make your life more seemless- 1. when they are little have a portable bassinet to literally roll around the house- they sleep all the time and it's so convienent if you want to do laundry in front of the tv and have your LO right there with you 2. invest in a good pump (that will be a whole other post) 3. Don't be afraid to ask for help 4. I had my wedding dress made into my DD christening gown- what else am I going to do with it? 5. sign up for amazon mom-it's free- you get free prime shipping, and get discounts- it's great- 6. Here is a great resource for coupons- simpy type in the item you're looking for- 7. don't be tricked into buying baby applesauce- it is the exact same product as 'regular' applesauce- just a lot more expensive.

Friday, April 8, 2011

increasing milk supply

  • I have had several new and expectant moms ask for tips on how to increase and establish milk supply... my journey to this knowledge has not come easy. Here are some basics

This list is primarily geared towards mom's that go the route of exclusive pumping.

  • Every time you sit down to pump, drink a glass (at least 8 oz) of water.

  • Here is my suggestion for pumping now- I would suggest going every 2-3 hours and pump for 15 maybe 20 minutes.

  • To encourage your body to produce milk, after your last drop pump for 5 more minutes... so the time can vary from 15-20 minutes.

  • You need to be extremely time fixed to your within 10-15 minutes on your schedule. Don't slack on your schedule.

  • With the previous suggestion being said however, you HAVE to sleep. You need to get at least a 4-5 hour stretch of sleep at night. And you HAVE to pump between 1-5 am. This is when your milk producing hormones (prolactin) levels are highest. It's not fun.... but you get used to it.

  • Here is a sample pumping schedule- 7 am, 930, noon, 2:30,5,830, 11..sleep.... 3:30am...sleep.. and start the fun all over again! That is pretty much the schedule I kept for the first 12 weeks.

  • The first 12 weeks are crucial as your supply is hormone driven, and after that it is supply/demand and then you can drop pump sessions by extending the time of the sessions.

  • You essentially should be pumping every time the baby would in the beginning you will pump anywhere from 8-11 times a day, and then you gradually consolidate them.

  • Take a picture of your baby on your phone and look at it while you are pumping, also take something of his- a piece of clothing that smells like him and smell it while you are pumping- this will release oxcytocin which goes hand in hand with your hormone prolactin.

  • Do not look at the bottles while you are pumping. Put a blanket over them... check your email.... just try not to fixate on them.

  • Do breast massage and compression, always massage toward your nipple.

  • You can try power pumping- which is for one hour pump 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off. This will boost your supply.You can do this maybe every other day. Def. dont do it every day.


  • You can drink mothers milk tea- walmart sells it. It's great.

  • Eat oatmeal...the slow cook kind, not the quick oats.

  • The brand motherlove sells an excellent tincutre(liquid vitamins) which is called more milk plus which has fenugreek and blessed thistle- those hand in hand are what helps milk production. Fenugreek without blessed thistle is not proven to have as good of results.

  • As for time management- ie- you have no life now are attached to your pump for awhile. If your baby is a preemie...I wash the flanges/horns and membranes only once a day, and after each time I pump, I put them in the fridge...but since J is so little I do believe you have to clean them out after every use...I would, just to rule out any contamination. Use your sterilizer bags.

  • Can you rent a hospital grade pump? See if your insurance covers it.The suction may not be high enough with the pump you have.

  • get a hands free system going- I just hook up my horns under my nursing bra- after the suction gets going they stay on their own. I can show you how to do this. There are hands free nursing bras- but they are pretty expensive and not that great.

  • While in the hospital, ask to borrow there pump. They will give you an Ameda spare parts kit- this is about a a $40 value. (horns/flanges, tubing)

  • Use the spare parts kit at work or wherever your occasional use location will be.